Data Analyst [United Arab Emirates]


ata Analyst responsibilities include: C


  • ompiling, analyzing, and reporting sales data M
  • onitoring and analyzing competitive activity, customer, and market trends P
  • roviding actionable insights to guide the sales and marketing teams J

ob brief W

e are looking for a Sales Analyst to join our team and support our sales team by compiling and analyzing sales and market data to help our organization sell more effectively. S

ales Analyst responsibilities include reviewing market trends and other sales figures to help our sales team understand the market and provide more recommendations to our potential clients. U

ltimately, you will work with our sales team to improve our sales process and help us close more sales opportunities. R

esponsibilities C

  • ollect data from sales reports for analysis D
  • evelop methods and strategies for assessing large amounts of data S
  • tudy past sales data to determine trends in productivity E
  • xamine company budget C
  • onduct research into competitive companies and the surrounding market S
  • tudy shopping and purchase trends of consumer base and target demographic U
  • se sales prediction software to determine future trends C
  • reate sales evaluation reports based on collected data R

equirements and skills P

  • ossesses strong problem-solving skills C
  • ommunicates clearly and effectively P
  • ays close attention to detail R




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